Public Speaking

She has a great deal of public speaking and press experience and can motivate, educate and inspire your audience simultaneously.


The property market has never been a Monday – Friday, 9-5 kind of industry, but the last few years have seen massive changes in operating practices, legislation and compliance. It is those who remain agile, eager to learn, flexible in adopting new software efficiencies, and invest in good people that will prosper.


To survive, businesses need to evolve.


This requires a mindset shift in addition to investing in new software. The whole team needs to be on board, working as a team, and owning the prize. “Train and Retain” is one of Leah’s fundamentals in the strategic management of a business.


If your desire is to:


Open your eyes;

Change your mindset;

Motivate, educate, inspire;

See fresh, new, more efficient ways of operating;

Get more out of your business by investing in the right software;

Get more out if your staff by continuing to invest in them and retain them;

Learn about legislative changes in the rental market;

Learn about the intricacies of efficient property management;

Learn the ins and outs of VCAT – how to avoid it, and how to prepare for it if it is unavoidable….


And so many more topical subjects….



Get in touch to enquire about having Leah at your next speaking event, where she will educate, motivate and inspire simultaneously.